Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Gracie and Gus

Gracie and Gus are our family cats...actually, Chelsey and Natalie's cats. Chelsey got Gracie for her 16th birthday and as a surprise (cause I didn't have the heart to break up the pair) Natalie got Gus. Before the move, these two were pretty independent and a bit on the wild side. But since the move, they've been more affectionate and want to be wherever the girls are. Maybe it was because of all the trauma they went through with being closed up during the time the movers and carpet cleaners were at the Tucson house (couldn't have cats running around) or the two day drive in the back of the truck to get here. Whatever it was, they are now acting more like family cats. They love climbing to the tops of all the boxes, napping and generally checking things out and they spend most of their time just being with the girls. They like to be in the middle of everything that's going on... Gracie, on top of the lap top helping Chelsey do homework, and Gus's favorite...napping with Natalie. It's fun having these little guys around and because of all the crawling critters they have down here in the south, maybe they'll help keep this place "pest free"!


Tanya said...

I love reading what you're doing! It's like I'm there! How fun!

Cathy Mikesell said...

Glad to hear you make it and survived your first tornado! Gracie and Gus are great additions to your family - we love our crazy cats. Cathy