As much as I hate to post without a picture, I felt that if I didn't 'check in' ya'll would think I'd disappeared amongst all the greenery here in Mississippi. Actually, I started working and until lately, have come home completely exhausted and brain dead. I guess I'm building up some stamina because I don't fall into bed for a nap as soon as I get home any more...only sometimes!! I keep forgetting to bring my camera to school with me so I can give you a glimpse of my new home away from home. It's an older school, two stories, with many outdoor portable classrooms. We're very overcrowded...just waiting for the new elementary school to open next year. (1300 students in grades 3-5) My job, for this year, is an Enrichment teacher. I float from classroom to classroom teaching study skills, thinking skills, just about anything that could help the kids do well on their state standardized testing. So far, the feedback from the teachers is positive. I enjoy what I'm's the 'fun' part of teaching without all the grading and housekeeping mess. It would be perfect if school started at 9 instead of 7:30 (meaning I have to be there
at 7, ugh!). Oh well!! In many ways they are 'behind the times' here...the public library has something to be desired (I couldn't believe the audio book section...maybe 30 items), the technology in the classrooms is PITIFUL as well as the support for teachers' rights to a duty free lunch...they have to eat WITH their kids in the cafeteria in only 20 minutes and there's NO lunch recess...they go right back to class...who knows when the teachers go potty??? Oh, and they only get $100 for the year for supplies, they have to buy their own copy paper and there's no district graphics and printing available for anything out of the ordinary. NO ONE has a class set of dictionaries, not even the school library...try giving a lesson on dictionary skills without dictionaries and thesauruses have to be checked out from the library cause no one has any of those either!! On the upside...there are only 15 ELL students (out of 1300) with none being NES and based on last years state tests, the 3rd graders scored #1st in the district with 4th and 5th grade placing #3rd. This places the school at a 5A rating (top) which is a big deal here. Enough of my ramblin'...
Girls are doing well, Nattie has a fun, cute Mississippi boyfriend named Rob and Chelsey is looking forward to a visit from Clint, who is coming the first of October for her 18th birthday!!! We're busy in the ward...Ken is serving in the YM Pres. and I'm 1st counselor in Primary as well as the Sacrament organist (pianist). For a while, I was playing in Sacrament meeting, running to Primary to play and during sharing time, I would run into Relief Society to play. I REALLY miss my non-complicated Primary pianist job in Tucson!! Even still...we're still praying that the house in Tucson sells before our year move benefit is up. As much as I miss all my family and friends and my job at Prince, I really like the environment/atmosphere here. I love the green, the beautiful homes and the history...just wish there was a Panda Express and that Riley and Alexis were 1300 miles closer!!
Know that I miss everyone as much as ever.